Friday, November 4, 2011

Snow Day

We got a foot of snow in Parker on Tuesday night, it was a nice change of pace. Kylie had a snow day from preschool and made it her mission to "find the car" and started digging.

All was right in the world until I decided her little nose was going to freeze off and made her go inside after 45 minutes. She eventually forgave me and we're friends again. And she still has her cute nose.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I decorated...

And I'm obviously really proud of myself. Halloween last year was a little rough. This year was AWESOME. So proud of my sweet girl. And my dollar store decorations!


I have been trying to get a good "school picture" for several weeks now...Kylie is not a huge fan of the flash and has her daddy's closed eyes syndrome. :) I saw the cutest idea on Pinterest, a kiddie holding a sign that said "first day of kindergarten" and I thought it was so brilliant, I tried to recreate it on Kylie's first day of preschool. It didn't go great.....but we'll try again next year. Today I decided it was time for another try and snapped a couple before we headed out the door.

Trick or Treat and the Cheech-Pumpkin